Feb 27, 20203 min

Setting Up the Goals & How to Succeed. Tips & Tricks To Follow

Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Goal setting is an important part of personal development.

It can lead to a life of happiness and success.

It's easy to achieve these goals when you're in control.

We've put together some tips on how to master goal setting, so check out this video:

Set up an environment for success

Before you start your journey towards achieving your goals, think about the environment in which you will handle the tasks.

Do you have the right tools for personal development?

  • Do you have a lot of technology devices that distract you from the things that are important to you? If not, start sorting through your stuff now.

  • Set long-term goals, not just short-term goals. Your goals should be long-term and not short-term. Try to set up goals that are a bit difficult but doable.

  • Try to take a more active part in achieving them. Think about how they can be made into reality and talk in detail about it with others.

What are your goals?

So if you want to make money, do you write down what it will take each month and how much money you will have at the end? No!

You write down the steps that you need to take to make a certain amount every month, and then you take one step at a time. When setting goals like this, know exactly what it takes for you to get done.

Most of us go through our workdays on autopilot, distracted by smartphones and daydreaming about the weekend. But if you want to make your goals happen, you have to take action.

You have to take consistent forward movement toward your goal every day. 

If you're not getting what you want in life, it's either because your goals are not clear or because you are not taking steps towards them every day.

How to set up goals?

1) Make sure that your goal is specific and written down somewhere so that it can be referred to later. (Example: "I will make $500 a month from my blog by December 31st of this year. I will make $50 a month from it in the next two months by December 31st.")

2) Break your goal down into smaller steps. (Example: "I will blog every Saturday, post three times a week on my Facebook fan page, and send out two email newsletters."). Even these steps could be broken down into smaller ones. The more concrete - the better.

3) Fill out the steps on a spreadsheet or something similar that can be referred to easily and you would have a good overview of it.


4) Set up the deadline for each of the sub-goals. (Example: "December 1st write an article, December 2nd Edit article, December 3rd Publish the post. Then do this for other days/weeks/months.)

5) Take 15 minutes every day to make progress on your steps even if it is very small. (Example: Blog post, edit blog post, send an email newsletter.)

6) Track your progress daily so that you can see how much you are accomplishing. (Note: I am NOT suggesting that you are a failure if you don't reach the goal by the deadline. What I am saying is that it is likely to happen if you keep taking steps towards the goal.)

Most people do not set goals because they think that goals will be too hard to achieve or something similar. The important thing to remember here is that only two things matter. The first one is consistent forward movement every day towards your goal.

Things to Remember

Consistent forward movement every day towards your goal will bring you closer and closer to it.

If you are not consistent with these steps, you may have a very hard time reaching your goals.

Think of it like this: you have to show up to work every day if you want to get paid.

You have to practice an instrument if you want to be good at it.

You have to study for a test if you want to pass it.

And all of this has to be done every single day or as often as it is required to master it.

Sometimes it might be difficult to do this on your own that's why we invite you to join our Facebook community where we support each other in our goal journeys.
